Friday, February 02, 2007

James 5:13-18

1 Passage: James 5:13-18

1 Verse:
Verse 13. Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to sing praises.

1 Prayer: Here I am, Father, praying to You. I guess in the grand scheme of things my suffering really isn't so bad, but it doesn't feel that way. Thank You for inviting me -- or is this a demand? -- to share my sufferings with You. I know You feel them, too, so much so that You gave us Your own Son Jesus -- Your Suffering Servant -- to bear our sorrows and sins for us. Thank You, Father. And You give us the Holy Spirit to Comfort us in our afflictions. Thank You, Father. It is enough to make me cheerful even in the midst of sufferings. Help me to sing Your praises today, Lord.

1 Person: Now, it's your turn! Please click "COMMENTS" below to add your own favorite verse and to share your own personal prayer from today's passage. (Your favorite verse and prayer might even be the same as mine, but we'd still love to hear from you. Feel free to just drop us a note so we know you stopped by.) Thanks!

Tomorrow's passage
: Psalm 8:1-9

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