1 Passage: Leviticus 19:1-4
1 Verse: Verse 2. "Speak to all the congregation of the sons of Israel and say to them, 'You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.'"
1 Prayer: Father, is this a command or a promise? Or both. You are holy and You are my God. You shall make me holy, even as You have been and will forever be my God. Insofar as this is a command -- "Be holy!" -- it contains the promise that You have made me able to obey it. But keep me ever mindful that righteousness comes by faith, lest I try to summon or conjure or imitate Your holiness in my own strength. We both know that won't work; it leads only to hypocrisy, weariness and self-condemnation. But just as You speak and what You say becomes real, Father, please make Your holiness real in my life. Let there be holiness.
1 Person: Now, it's your turn! Please click "COMMENTS" below to add your own favorite verse and to share your own personal prayer from today's passage. (Your favorite verse and prayer might even be the same as mine, but we'd still love to hear from you. Feel free to just drop us a note so we know you stopped by.) Thanks!
Tomorrow's passage:
Genesis 3:1-5