1 Passage: Psalm 95:1-2
1 Verse: Verse 2. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
1 Prayer: Father, You are ever-present, everywhere. And in Your presence, my proper attitude of worship is to be grateful. Help me to be ever-thankful, all the time, wherever I may be, in whatever circumstances I find myself. Wherever I am, You are there. That alone is enough to be thankful for.
1 Person: Now, it's your turn! Please click "COMMENTS" below to add your own favorite verse and to share your own personal prayer from today's passage. (Your favorite verse and prayer might even be the same as mine, but we'd still love to hear from you. Feel free to just drop us a note so we know you stopped by.) Thanks!
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