Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Proverbs 30:2-4

1 Passage: Proverbs 30:2-4

1 Verse: Verse 3 Neither have I learned wisdom, nor do I have the knowledge of the Holy One.

1 Prayer: Father, forgive my arrogance in thinking I have You all figured out. Forgive me for boxing You into my limited ideas about who You are and how You work. Expand my understanding so that I can recognize that my way of thinking about You is not be the only way of thinking about You. You are so much bigger than all our judgments about You. And I thank You for not cutting us off because of our ignorance, even though You may discipline us for our arrogance. Help me to be a good disciple and student of the humility of Jesus.

1 Person: Now, it's your turn! Please click "COMMENTS" below to add your own favorite verse and to share your own personal prayer from today's passage. (Your favorite verse and prayer might even be the same as mine, but we'd still love to hear from you. Feel free to just drop us a note so we know you stopped by.) Thanks!

Tomorrow's passage: 1 Corinthians 8:1-3

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